Are you curious about the US Dollar price you pay for gas or diesel when filling up at a Canadian gas station? Have you tried comparing US gas prices to those across the border? This simple online gas savings calculator is meant to help with that.
Use the form below to quickly convert CAD per litre to USD per gallon. Estimate your savings!
Today's exchange rate is: CAD $1 = USD $0.69
As a rule of thumb, the gas price is always more expensive in Canada. You should keep that in mind when choosing where to fill up the fuel tank of your vehicle. Depending on the size of your car (and its fuel tank) you might as well save on your short cross-border shopping trip or have a free lunch!
On average, the nationwide Canadian gas price is higher than in the United States. Additionally, gas prices vary notably between provinces and states, and sometimes between adjacent cities (e.g., municipal fuel tax). The reason for this disparity is simple: taxes. Each province and state has jurisdiction to set its own tax on fuel, hence the different prices. Once this factor is removed, the prices seem to be very comparable between the United States and Canada.